Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques
Sofie 2015-11-11 06:04:42


看的我要吐血了 到处是错误也没有errata (网上只能找到1st print的errata 都是些小问题而且2nd print已更正) 很多公式错误很影响理解啊 尤其是对初学者…… 正在总结各种各种错误 要写信给作者! 举个例子,讲multiple regression非要分fixed X 和random X, 你分就分吧,...  (展开)
Sofie 2015-10-15 05:02:52


高声朗读的练习使她浑身冒汗,事后还抱怨说她的眼睛像肚脐那样缩了进去 女人同时要骑三匹马,除了睡觉,她们永远不会下马-吹毛求疵,捕风捉影,叽叽喳喳 有三种个人主义者:自己活也让别人活的个人主义者;自己活却不让别人活的个人主义者;最后是自己不想活也不让别人活的个...  (展开)
Sofie 2013-10-14 11:16:12


Belief like fear or love is forced to be understood as we understand the theory of relativity and principles of uncertainty.Phenomena that determine the course of our lives.Yesterday,my life was headed in one direction.Today,it is headed in another.Yesterda...  (展开)
Sofie 2013-04-08 23:57:12

不是影评 一半海水 一半火焰

去年在香港,大概正是这个时候,我、Zhan、银卉和cc,托小Zhan读创媒的福,定了CMC的放映厅,打着做作业的幌子,霸占为我们的私人电影院。我们想享受一下从 宿舍笔记本电脑-->common room52寸背投电视-->小剧场大荧幕 的观影感官体验的不断进步。当时是我挑的这部电影作为开幕...  (展开)
Sofie 2012-04-26 01:36:23

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

好久没有看完电影想写点什么了。可能是学期结束,project做的差不多终于彻底有心情全神贯注好好观赏一部电影了。 Vicky & Cristina一出场,我们就对号入座了。 Vicky传统的女性,但也渴望点新鲜刺激的东西,却又不知怎么处理。终于在Maria Elena和Juan的争吵被枪打到的时候,...  (展开)
Computer Networks
Sofie 2011-12-01 17:03:24


Preface 1980 academic curiosity 1088 used by universities and large businesses 1996 Internet become a daily reality for millions 2002 rapid growth of wireless networking, mobile computers 2009 CDN, mobile phones 802.12, 802.16, RFID, CDN, P2P, Chp1 802.1...  (展开)
Computer Networks
Sofie 2011-12-01 16:55:58


Preface mid-1990s: numerous kinds of LANs and WANs existed, multiple protocol stacks by 2003: Ethernet -- the only wired LAN in widespread use, all WANs were on the Internet wireless network: 802.11, 2G, 3G cellular networks, Bluetooth Chp1 Internet, Ether...  (展开)
Aha! Gotcha
Sofie 2011-10-20 19:02:46

P4 The Liar Paradox Philetas of Cos worried himself into an early grave over it. evil beasts, slow bellies又馋又懒 P9 The Crazy Computer a hell of a racket some scientists saved their lives by rendering a computer inoperative  (展开)
Sofie 2011-10-10 15:03:09


1.River Nile→Egypt:flooding of the Nile, calendar measurement: used their bodies to measure the world: A palm was the width of a hand, a cubit an arm length from elbow to fingertips, Land cubits, strips of land measuring a cubit by 100, fingers: 10 base, ...  (展开)
Sofie 2011-10-09 02:19:35

他的笑好像Sheldon one-sided Papa教Feynman:恐龍的故事, imagine, Encyclopaedia Britannica Now that's a deep understanding—he doesn't give me a name, he knew the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something, which I learnt very ea...  (展开)
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